Saving for your funeral or cremation
So that your loved ones do not have to deal with financial worries on top of the loss of their loved one.

What is funeral insurance?
With funeral insurance or burial insurance, you decide the amount you want to insure when you die.
This amount will be paid to the persons or parties you have designated as beneficiaries in your funeral insurance policy.
This creates a financial cushion in advance for arranging your funeral or cremation.
Why do I need funeral insurance?
A funeral costs an average of €7,000
Funeral costs are rising fast. An average funeral in Belgium costs between €3,000 and €5,000.
Besides the final burial or cremation, there are many ancillary items (e.g. coffee table, flowers, etc.) that quickly raise the average amount to €7,000.
This is a significant sum that your next of kin will have to cough up. Financial worries are something you always want to avoid, especially when you just lost a loved one.
Your funeral wishes recorded in advance
Your personal preferences will be set out in a will in advance so that everything goes according to your wishes.
This gives you control over details such as music selection, pre-recorded lyrics and other aspects you care about.
Supporting relatives
Your insurer takes next-of-kin care to heart. If you die, a consultant will be appointed to assist your next of kin with a variety of practical and administrative matters.
This is because there are many things that need to be arranged, most of which you are not aware of.
What costs does funeral insurance cover?
Funeral insurance is designed to cover the cost of a funeral or cremation after the death of the insured person.
The specific coverage varies depending on the type of funeral insurance you choose and the terms and conditions of the insurance company.
In general, funeral insurance can cover the following costs:

Funeral costs
This includes costs such as the funeral service, casket or urn, flowers, funeral cards, printing and other direct costs related to the funeral ceremony.

Cemetery or cremation costs
These include the cost of renting a cemetery, digging a grave, placing a headstone, or the cost of cremation, urn and asbestos disposal.

Costs for transferring the body to the cemetery or crematorium, as well as any transport to the location of the funeral service.

Grief counselling and administrative costs
This includes costs such as administrative formalities, permits, and professional help in organising the funeral.

Any additional costs
This can include costs such as catering after the funeral, grave markers, memorials, and other optional elements.
Frequently asked questions
Discover the most frequently asked questions about funeral insurance. Over the years, we have collected this information and summarise it here. Easy, right?
To whom will the amount saved be paid? Directly to the caregivers of the funeral or to my next of kin?
This depends on the drafting of your contract.
If the contract is drawn up without a third-party payer system, the capital will be included in the estate which will also require inheritance tax to be paid.
Materné is happy to answer all your questions during an interview.
Can my children also be insured?
Yes, children up to 18 years are automatically co-insured in the parents' policy.
Can my remains be transferred to my home country?
Repatriation to the deceased's country of origin is possible.
In this case, the cost of repatriation will be deducted from the insured capital.
Can the premium payment be spread?
This depends on your age. The earlier you take out the policy, the more the premium can be spread.
From a certain age, underwriting is only possible on payment of a purchase price. Materné will be happy to look into the possibilities for you.
Can only the cost of my funeral be insured?
This is certainly possible; the additional assistance formulas are optional.
Other solutions for optimal coverage
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