An accident is hidden in a small corner
Whether this happens during your self-employed activity, your private life or in traffic - thorough insurance reduces headaches so you can focus on the things you do have control over.

What is accident insurance?
Unforeseen circumstances do not let us know in advance when they will come knocking at the door. Moreover, they usually bring major consequences and changes.
Accident insurance protects you from the financial consequences of accidents or injuries.
Why do I need accident insurance?
Quality of life and well-being
We got you covered. In the event of an accident, you worry less about the financial consequences.
You can concentrate fully on your recovery. So that you can resume your daily activities when you are ready (not when the bills start piling up).
This contributes to better peace of mind and emotional well-being for you and your family.
Additional covers
Other existing insurance, such as health insurance coverage or insurance through sports or school programmes, may not be sufficient to deal with all the financial consequences of a serious accident.
Take your fate into your own hands
In an accident, you do not have to wait for compensation from a liable party.
Even if there is no liable counterparty, you will receive compensation.
What does accident insurance cover?
Accident insurance is designed to protect you and your family from the unforeseen costs associated with an accident. This policy can be taken out for both individuals (employed or self-employed) and families.
This insurance is fully tailored to your needs:
- What situation do you want to insure? Your self-employed activity, your private life, your participation in traffic.
- How would you like to be reimbursed? According to the grand order of lump sums or on the basis of actual costs incurred?
The specific covers and conditions of accident insurance vary depending on the insurance company and the customisation you choose.
Generally, accident insurance includes the following aspects:

Medical expenses
hospitalisation, surgery, drugs, physiotherapy and other medical treatments you need to speed up your recovery.

Disability benefit
If you are unable to work due to the accident, the insurance provides a replacement income to support you until you fully recover.
In addition, the insurance also helps with adjustments to your home or aids in case of permanent disability. These adaptations range from installing a stair lift to modifying the bathroom to make your home more accessible.

Death benefit
In the event of accidental death, your dependents will receive a benefit that supports them with financial burdens.
Frequently asked questions
Discover the most frequently asked questions about this insurance. Over the years, we have collected this information and summarise it here. Easy, right?
Will I get benefits in case of permanent disability anyway? Or only from a certain percentage?
This depends from insurer to insurer.
There are insurers who provide benefits as early as 1% permanent disability.
Materné will be happy to guide you through it.
Is the benefit equal to the benefit through the health insurance fund?
No, for the guarantee medical expenses, you will be reimbursed for your co-payment. The co-payment is the amount remaining after the intervention of the health insurance fund.
Accident insurance intervenes not only for medical expenses after an accident, but also for permanent/temporary disability or if you die.
Is accident insurance equivalent to hospitalisation insurance?
No, medical expenses after an accident on admission are usually absorbed within a hospitalisation insurance. But this too has limits. Think of outpatient costs (e.g. medicines, physiotherapist, etc.) linked to an admission with a longer duration.
Medical expenses prescribed longer than 3 to 6 months after your hospitalisation can still be absorbed through accident insurance.
Moreover, with accident insurance, you enjoy coverage not only for medical expenses, but also for temporary/permanent disability or when you die.
Even if there is no hospitalisation involved (and thus you cannot open a file in your hospitalisation policy), your accident insurance will still intervene in your post-accident medical expenses.
Are motorbike accidents also insured?
This is a consideration when taking out a policy. Not all insurers offer this as standard.
Materné will guide you through the range of insurers on offer. After all, you can get insured for such accidents.
Are accidents covered during all sports activities?
Not all sports are automatically fully insured.
- (indoor) football
- mini football
- hockey
- rugby
- landski
- combat and
- defence sports
- etc.
Therefore, it is important to give us all the information so that we can offer you the appropriate solutions.
Other solutions for optimal coverage
Take the uncertain as certain and discover our insurance policies that perfectly match your accident insurance.