As a company director, you can be held personally liable for mistakes and negligence.

Thus, not only are your private assets at risk, this can also lead to financial losses for your organisation, employees and third parties.

Directors' liability

As a director of a company, you can be held personally liable for mistakes and negligence. Directors' liability covers you.

Directors & Officers: as a director 'Directly' in the spotlight

Company law imposes increasingly stringent requirements that you must meet as a director. The laws and regulations are becoming increasingly complex and stringent. This increases the risk of being held personally liable.
Increasingly, responsible parties are appointed and compensation is sought for damages. Not only the company, but also its directors are often held personally liable.
Protect yourself against financial consequences and personal losses with Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance.

Why have directors' liability insurance?

Entrepreneurship is about taking risks

The Companies and Associations Code (CPC) has changes in store for all companies, including a limit on directors' liability (better known as the 'cap').
Due to built-in limitations, this 'cap' proves less foolproof in practice than hoped.

  • the requirement of a 'minor error'
  • and the exclusion of lawyers' fees

It does confirm that directors can still be held liable.

Employment liability is no longer the proverbial €1 fee

With the impact of issues around employment (e.g. #metoo) reaching even into the boardroom, directors need to be aware of emerging challenges such as:

  • unfair dismissal
  • discrimination and harassment in the workplace

It is essential that company directors are aware of these shifting dynamics and the associated (personal) liability. Compensation in employment liability is no longer the proverbial €1 fee.

Personal liability of director

Do you think setting up a company fully protects you from liability?
While this is true for shareholders (who are usually not personally liable for corporate activities), unfortunately this is not true for directors.
In case of management errors, even protective barriers of legal personality can be breached. This means that your personal assets may be at risk to indemnify claims.

What does directors' liability insurance cover?

Find out how this powerful policy protects your leadership and secures your future.
Directors' liability insurance is essential protection for anyone on the board of a company or NPO.
Not only current drivers can enjoy this essential coverage, former and future drivers also enjoy the benefits.

Who you can include:

  • Actual drivers
  • Representatives in external entities
  • Emerging affiliates
  • Employees with specific responsibilities


D&O insurance protection may also extend to:

  • Spouses
  • Legally cohabiting partners
  • Heirs

Frequently asked questions

Discover the most frequently asked questions about this insurance. Over the years, we have collected this information and summarise it here. Easy, right?

As early as possible in your start-up.
Prevent rather than cure. Unforeseen circumstances can throw a spanner in the works of our plans. If your company runs into financial difficulties, it may not even be possible to underwrite this insurance.
When financial problems arise, various parties may be ready with claims due to governance failures. Consider

  • unpaid supplier invoices
  • disgruntled shareholders
  • compulsory redundancies

Proper preparation protects you and your business from these unexpected twists and turns.
Materné conducts a thorough risk analysis to ensure that your business continues to evolve effortlessly.

Due to recent legislative changes, NPOs are now also covered by the Companies and Associations Code.
This entails an important change: the liability of directors of a VZW is now similar to that of a company. This means that NPOs can also be declared bankrupt.
This increases the importance of directors' liability insurance in claims with:

  • regarding grants
  • public procurement
  • unfair market practices (especially in associations with commercial activities)

Protect not only your directors, also secure your company and affiliates. That is why we take out the policy in the name of the operating company (not in the name of the directors).
Together, we conduct a thorough risk analysis. Sometimes several affiliated companies may be covered under the same policy.
Our targeted approach ensures that your business structure is adequately protected. So that you look ahead with confidence.

The 'cap' limitation is valid only when a 'slight error' is at the origin of the management error. But what is a slight error?
This limitation does not apply to lawyer's fees. Therefore, it is not an unnecessary luxury to think twice about your insured capital.

Materné constantly keeps its finger on the pulse in the insurance market. This is how we select the perfect partner insurers.
Choose a policy that answers:

  • employment liability
  • founder's liability
  • different types of director's recorded mandates
  • and more

Materné will be happy to advise you.

Other solutions for optimal coverage

Take the uncertain as the sure thing and discover our insurance policies that perfectly match it.

Turnover insurance protects your business against financial losses if you are (temporarily) unable to work due to illness or accident.
Fraud insurance protects companies against financial losses due to fraud, deceit or dishonest actions of employees or third parties.
Protect your business against financial risks with credit insurance. Your invoices will be paid even if one of your customers goes bankrupt.
Legal aid
Legal expenses insurance protects your business and/or family in various legal matters, depending on the cover you choose. Materné goes over your options.
Professional liability
Professional liability insurance protects you against third-party claims due to errors, mistakes or negligence of your intellectual profession.
Corporate liability
Business liability insurance serves as a safety net to deal with financial consequences of damages to third parties. Compare options with Materné.

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