A chilling prospect for any self-employed or free-lancer:

Unable to work due to accident or illness.

Insure the survival of your business through turnover insurance.


Turnover insurance protects your business against financial losses if you are (temporarily) unable to work due to illness or accident.

What is turnover insurance

The impact on your personal income as a business owner is worrying enough. But the impact on the turnover of your business is not to be underestimated either.

Fortunately, there is a powerful shield for your business: turnover insurance.
If this scenario occurs, as a dedicated business leader, you secure your precious revenue.

Why choose turnover insurance?

Financial consequences of illness or accident

In these dynamic times, safety nets like turnover insurance are necessary for the continuity of your business. After all, you never know what awaits you tomorrow.

Choose security and arm your business in case of unexpected events.

100% tax deductible

The premiums your company pays for turnover insurance are deductible as business expenses. This reduces your tax burden.

Carefree recovery period

Turnover insurance gives you the breathing space to focus fully on your recovery and health. Without worrying about losing income.

What does turnover insurance cover?

If you, the company manager, fall ill or experience an accident, your company receives a monthly allowance that compensates for the loss of sales due to your absence.

You can secure as much as 60% of your revenue. Your cover will be fully tailored to the needs of your business. Remember that your insurance portfolio is always an interplay with other essential coverages, such as guaranteed income.

Turnover insurance is an asset. You not only protect your business, but also reduce your tax burden by bringing in the premium as a 100% tax-deductible professional expense.

Frequently asked questions

Discover the most frequently asked questions about this insurance. Over the years, we have collected this information and summarise it here. Easy, right?

Because we are catching two different things.

With insurance guaranteed income we build a safety net around the salary of you as a company manager. This does not absorb the fixed costs of the business.

For this, turnover insurance offers a solution. These policies complement each other perfectly.

No, but it is essential insurance for your business.

If disaster strikes, you can fall back on a safety net that ensures the survival of your business.

Yes, you buy undisturbed peace of mind 24/7.

As a business manager, you are at the wheel of your policy turnover insurance.

You have a say in:

  • insured capital
  • interest type
  • risk period

Turnover insurance is tailor-made. Materné throws everything into the mix to provide you with the perfect solution according to current (tax) legislation.

Even in a two-person company, if a manager drops out, turnover can drop significantly.

Materné prepares the risk analysis for you.

Other solutions for optimal coverage

Take the uncertain as the sure thing and discover our insurance policies that perfectly match it.

Guaranteed income
Guaranteed income for the self-employed is insurance that provides financial protection if you become incapacitated due to illness or injury.
Individual pension commitment for the self-employed (IPT)
An Individual Pension Pledge is designed to build up a supplementary pension over and above the statutory pension scheme for self-employed workers.
The PSPS is a retirement savings formula specifically designed for the self-employed. It is never too late to start saving for a supplementary pension.
Protect your business against financial risks with credit insurance. Your invoices will be paid even if one of your customers goes bankrupt.
Accident insurance protects you from the financial consequences of accidents or injuries. Materné will compare the options with you.

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